Shell Bay 25th December 2018

These little birds are members of the sandpiper family and called sanderlings. We saw them on a visit to Shell bay (Dorset, UK).

They run along the shoreline at speed avoiding the waves, seem to like standing on one leg and even hop along at speed on one leg.

More views from Shell Bay.

I never tire of looking at the sea regardless of the weather. 🙂

December 2018

Frostbite sailing continues and I’m choosing windows between the storms to get out. It’s interesting to see how different the bay is at this time of year, days of persistent wind lead to curious wave patterns, some good for surfing, others not. It reminds me of school physics lessons exploring wave interference but now actually sailing through it.

I’m paying most attention to downwind sailing now and trying to make the most of waves. Upwind seems to have a good routine now.

I’m now much preferring the wetsuit gear over a drysuit. It is surprisingly warm and comfy on the boat.